Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Missing In Action!

Well its been a while......

With the autumn and winter upon us the barefoot option is getting a little narrower.

The footwear of choice the Luna Flip Flops were almost packed away for the winter as the last time I wore them they didn't stand up to the wet mud of UK trails in oct/nov!

I'm gutted as with Injini socks the flip flops are ok on warmth but they really don't do wet and mud. Luna have now released all there flip flops with Monkey Grip Technology which is like a non slip footbed. I actually even sent them an email saying do they have plans for a UK winter trail version but to date, nothing heard.

I've instead switched to the Trailgloves which I love BUT even they don't give that grip in the worst that British weather can throw at us. I will stick with these now but have been also using my old Walsh's which I'd promised myself I'd throw out as I'd brought a replacement pair of PB Ultra Extreme's from Pete Bland Sports at this years Fell Relay British championship.

I have no issue using the Walsh footwear in a barefoot blog as these are really basic designs and have little support or drop between heel and front. As said previously though these are very much aimed at serious fell races so I'm still in the market for something barefoot with a little more grip maybe lol

Well for now ill stick to the Merrell's. I've just entered Country to Capital 45m Ultra in January and also the South Downs Way 50m in April so better keep up the long runs!

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